CIIP - Dredging, Sewers, Water, Parks, and Trails (1/29/2009)

In December 2007, the Fort Worth City Council adopted a plan to complete long overdue capital projects around Lake Worth. The plan, known as the "Capital Improvements Implementation Project" or CIIP, was to be funded from half of the natural gas revenue retrieved from under the lake. The plan includes capital projects that include dredging the lake, building bike trails around the lake, fixing boat ramps, and installing sewer and water around the lake.

As with all large projects, completing the CIIP will take a lot of planning and time. Since there has been no visible action on the plan, many residents think that the plan has been abandoned. This is not true. The projects are under planning and awaiting the receipt of the necessary gas revenues.

I and other officers of the SSNA have been talking with city officials for progress updates. Keeping abreast of progress has been relatively tedious since the various projects cut across several city departments. I have listed the major projects below and the current status of each.

Water Department Projects within the SSNA Boundaries:

1) Dredging Lake Worth - On schedule. Dredging work starts in 2011.
2) Love Circle Water and Sewer Installation - On schedule. Work starts in 2011.
3) Watercress Sewer Installation - On schedule. Work starts in 2013.

Parks Projects within the SSNA Boundaries:

1) Casino Beach Ramp Improvements - On schedule. Work should be started now and completed by Spring 2009.
2) Sunset Park Ramp Improvements - On schedule. Design should start in 2010. The Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association (SSNA) is trying to change this project from a "ramp improvement" to "ramp removal." The SSNA believes that Sunset Park would be more useful to the community if it served swimmers and non-motorized boat traffic.
3) Bike Trails (Phase I) - Behind schedule. Planning was scheduled to start in 2008. Currently, planning with not begin until late 2009 at best.

Michael Dallas
Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association

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