The Fort Worth Neighborhood Association located on the Northwest shoreline of Lake Worth.
Dredging Lake Worth FAQ's (Texas)
It is important to note that the current dredging project is simply a "first step" in turning the lake area into a world-class urban park. Ongoing participation and conversations from lake residents will be important as the projects move forward.
Is the dredging really going to happen?
All signals and conversations from the city leaders seem to indicate that the dredging will happen. Since the money is available (i.e. from the Barnett Shale windfall revenue) there seems to be little opposition in going forward.
How much will the dredging cost?
Approximately $30 million is the estimate for the dredging. A little more than 3 million cubic yards will be removed at a cost slightly less than $10 per yard.
How deep will the lake be dredged?
The plan is to make the shallow ("boatable") areas 6 feet deep when the lake is at its lowest (or 10 feet deep when the lake is at its normal level). The North Texas Municipal Water District is contractually obligated to keep the lake 1 foot over the water inlet of the Fort Worth Water Department or at 590 feet above sea level. No matter how low the water levels in the lakes above us get, Lake Worth cannot go below this level. (That's why lakes like Eagle Mountain ran so low during the drought. The lakes above us were drained to keep Lake Worth at the contractual level.) The dredged spots in the lake will be six feet from this low contractual level (i.e. the bottom of the dredged areas will be at 584 feet above sea level). In other words, when the lake is at its lowest possible level, the dredged spots should be at least six feet deep. At the normal "conservation level" (when the water is near the top of the dam at 594), the dredged spots will be ten feet deep.
What about fixing the flood gates on the dam?
According to the Fort Worth Water Department, there are no real "flood gates." There is merely a gate which can be opened if the lake were to be completely drained.
Will my property taxes go up?
When have taxes not gone up? Right now, everyone's property taxes in Fort Worth (including those who don't live on the lake) are going up. However, the tax increases in Texas are limited to 12% per year. To minimize taxes, residents are advised to file for a homestead exemption. Likewise, those turning 65 are advised to file for the age 65 tax exemption as well. From a financial point of view, if your taxes are going to go up anyway, wouldn't you like your property value to go up faster?
Won't the lake become crowded if we dredge it?
Undoubtedly, more people will use the lake once it is dredged and safer. However, even the most crowded lakes in Texas do most of their business on weekends and holidays. The rest of the time, the lakes belongs to the residents.
When will the dredging start?
The dredging will probably start in 2011.
Why will the dredging take so long to start?
The Corps of Engineers has jurisdiction on all lakes and rivers in the United States. Any significant changes (i.e. dredging) must first meet their approval. This approval (and the approvals from the State of Texas) will probably take three years to get.
How long will the dredging take once it is under way?
The dredging is estimated to take two years to complete.
What parts of the lake will be dredged?
Many shallow areas have been identified. However, a thorough survey of the lake bottom will be conducted before the dredging begins. It is likely that areas not identified in the map will see dredging as well. Click here to see a map.
Where will all the mud go?
The final disposition of the mud has not been determined. Choices include putting the mud on the shoreline, adjacent public property, or (most probably) nearby quarries.
What are the plans to keep the lake adequately deep (i.e. from silting in again)?
Special "over dredging areas" have been selected. At the mouths of creeks pouring into the lake, deep spots will be excavated beyond the six foot depth. These deep pockets will provide a place for new sediment to accumulate. Every ten or fifteen years, the accumulated mud will be removed. The current proposals provide "endowment funds" for cleaning the "over dredge areas."
Will the dredging stir up PCBs and other pollutants?
The pollutants most discussed (i.e. PCB's) are found in the sediments adjacent to the military base. Dredging in these areas has been avoided by the dredging plan. An anticipated cleanup by the military will address those areas.
How can I learn more about the dredging?
Click here.
How can I stay informed as the dredging moves forward?
Click here.
Is the dredging equipment loud?
Obviously, the lake's surface carries sound quite well and quite far. Given that we all must live (and sleep) on the lake during the dredging makes the noise issue very important. The specifics of how the noise levels will be minimized have not been thoroughly discussed at this time but remain an important issue.
Will there by specific hours of dredging or is it continuous?
For cost minimization, the current plan is to run the equipment continuously 24 hours per day.
Will undredged shallow areas be marked?
They need to be.
Are they removing the submerged tree trunks they find while dredging?
A budget for removing tree trunks is included in the current proposal.
Is trash removal part of the dredging project?
Trash at the dredged areas will be removed. The need for removing trash from other areas is a good point and should be discussed.
Dredging News In The Newspaper
Star Telegram Video - January 18, 2008 - "Lake Worth: Polishing a Tarnished Jewel"
Star Telegram Editorial - January 8, 2008 - "Gas Money"
Star Telegram Editorial - January 6, 2008 - "Dream Come True?"
Star Telegram Video - January 6, 2008 - "Saving Lake Worth"
Star Telegram - December 30, 2007 - "$117 million set aside for work on Lake Worth"
Star Telegram - December 12, 2007 - "Residents want Lake Worth to get parks"
Fort Worth Weekly - July 18, 2007 - "Diamond in the Mud"
December 11, 2007 Fort Worth Council Meeting to Dredge Lake Worth - Channel 8 News Reporting
August 2007 Barnett Shale Revenue Committee Meeting to Dredge Lake Worth - Channel 11 News Reporting
Off-Site Video Reports:
June 2007 - Channel 8 WFAA
Dredging Meeting - THIS IS IT! - Dec 11th 7:00PM
This coming December 11 represents the most important day in the history of Lake Worth. On that day, you and I will convince the Fort Worth City Council to actually proceed with the dredging of the lake.
Now that the (CIIP) engineering proposal to dredge Lake Worth is complete, the Fort Worth City Council must now vote on the project. With huge gas revenues now beginning to accrue, lack of money is no longer a valid reason to delay the dredging. On December 11th, the Lake Worth Alliance and lake supporters will be presenting why dredging Lake Worth now is important to the entire city.
The council's decision will be strongly influenced by the number and enthusiasm of the people who attend the meeting. EVERY PERSON WHO CARES ABOUT LAKE WORTH NEEDS TO BE AT THE DECEMBER 11TH CITY COUNCIL MEETING!
I cannot stress enough that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. YOU need to be at that meeting. YOU need to get excited. Your individual presence will make a HUGE difference. This event is high priority.
With your help, a clean and sufficiently deep Lake Worth will soon become a reality.
It is vital that you do three things right now:
1) Mark your calendar now.
2) Tell your friends and neighbors how important this meeting is and that they need to be there.
3) Copy and email this notice to everyone that you know who cares about Lake Worth.
Date: December 11th
Time: 7:00PM (Be there by 6:30 to get a seat)
Where: City Council Chambers
1000 Throckmorton,
Fort Worth
What to bring: Enthusiasm!
What to expect: Success!
Michael Dallas
Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association
In The News
Star Telegram: Sunday November 11, 2007 - With Piles of Dollars At Stake, Neighbors Unite
Getting the Deed
There’s some confusion about City policy regarding sales of LW city owned leased shoreline land where the option agreement had not been purchased by the homeowner. Here are some questions and answers.
Question 1: Can the current homeowner purchase his or her land now at the currently appraised market value?
Answer 1: Yes, provided that the property meets the current requirements as follows 1) the property is platted, 2) the property is connected to water and/or sewer; this will depend on the inspection made by the Lake Worth Management Office (LWMO) specific to each property 3) the property cannot be supported by an off-site drain field, 4) all monies due and payable to the City of Fort Worth must be current, 5) the sale of the land will be to the Lessees of record only.
Question 2: What appraisal process establishes the market value?
Answer 2: The city utilizes the services of an independent appraiser who assesses the value of the land.
Question 3: Who pays for those appraisals? If the city provides appraisal, can the homeowner provide their own private appraisal as part of the valuation process?
Answer3: The cost of the appraisal is added to the sale price of the land and paid for by the buyer. In order to ensure continuity in the fair market value, the city uses the same appraiser to establish the land values. This prevents the opportunity for any discrepancies in land values that might arise from the use of multiple appraisers. It also eliminates the opportunity for the appraiser to be a friend or family member who might be influenced by the lessee directly.
Question 4: When do you anticipate those folks will be able to buy there land at the market value?
Answer 4: There has been no change to the policy. Land sale are occurring on a regular basis. It is the responsibility of the lessee to contact the city, if and when they would like to purchase their land.
Minutes from 10/21/07
Members were given copies of the bylaws to review. Two issues were raised and subsequentally voted upon. Under Article V, membership, number of votes per property was discussed. Five voted for the bylaws as drafted and five voted for a change. In case of the tie, the acting President broke the tie and bylaws were voted as drafted. Under Article VI the issue of being able to have future dues was discussed. Current draft of bylaws stated an increase in dues would have to occur by a majority vote of the membership (not just executive board). Discussion included a clause to prohibit dues from ever being collected. Draft bylaws was adopted in a 7-3 vote as written. Following the discussions of articles of concern, entire draft bylaws was adopted, as is, in a 7-3 vote.
Election results were as followed. All positions ran without opposition.
President: Michael Dallas
Vice President: Deanne Kearney
Treasurer: Brian Keller
Secretary: Debbie Ballard
- Condemned house on Island View
- Dead trees in park near Island View
- Location of drilling rigs
- Developement of Jacksboro Highway
- Approachment by gas companies of individuals
- Sewer lines to Love Circle- current plans are in the 1-6 year range of happening. Sewer to Watercress and other circles in the 6-15 year range.
- trim trees around roadway (past Island View on Watercress)
- Erosion and repaving of Watercress
- Development of a phone tree to involve more members
Meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:10.
Bylaws - Adopted June 5, 2022
Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association
The legal name of this organization shall be the “Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association.”
The boundaries of the Association are:
Properties along the shoreline of Lake Worth (lake) starting at the eastern boundary of the Fort Worth Nature Center (currently the first inhabited address is 7568 Love Circle, Fort Worth TX 76135) and continuing along the western shoreline up to and including the address 9309 Watercress Drive, Fort Worth TX 76135.
The Association's principal office and address shall be designated by the Board.
The purpose of the Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association is to provide an organized framework to promote, preserve, and enhance the quality of life and values in the Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association neighborhood by:
Encouraging a sense of community and pride among Association members.
Establishing a communication link with City Council, City Manager's offices, Code Enforcement, Neighborhood Police Officers, other city departments, and any other person or entity that affects the Association neighborhood or its members.
Empower Association members to address collective and/or unique issues concerning their properties by providing help, support, and advice of the Association and its membership.
As a voluntary neighborhood association, the Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association has no power to place any requirements on residents living in the Scenic Shores area - financial or otherwise.
Regular Membership: A member of Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association shall be any person over the age of eighteen that resides within the Association boundaries. In order to vote, a member must be in good standing with the Association. "Good standing" shall mean the member has not been expelled nor has excluded his or her property from the Association. Those who have excluded themselves from the Association and who want to rejoin may be admitted back into the Association by a vote of the board.
There is one (1) vote per household and property. Lots with multiple households shall have only one vote. A household with more than one property shall have only one vote. All residents living in the Association area are automatically members unless they make a specific request to be excluded from membership.
Business Membership: A business member of Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association shall be any person, firm, or corporation operating a place of business within the Association's boundaries who wishes to join the Association. Non-Residential members will be classified as a Business Member and shall have the privilege of the floor, but have no voting privileges and cannot hold office. The Executive Board must vote Business Members in.
Associate Membership: An associate member of Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association shall be any person, firm, or corporation who neither resides, owns property, nor operates a place of business within the Association's boundaries, but nevertheless, maintains an interest in the Association and its purposes. Associate members shall have the privilege of the floor, but have no voting privileges and cannot hold office. The Executive Board must vote Associate Members in.
The annual dues for the Association memberships will be set as follows:
Regular Membership - $0 yearly per household (free)
Business Membership - $0 yearly per household (free)
Associate Membership - $0 yearly per household (free)
Regular Membership Meetings: Membership meetings will be at a time selected by the Executive Board each October. Meetings may be held more often as determined by the Executive Board.
Regular Board Meetings: Regular Executive Board meetings shall occur at least once per year. The regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be determined and scheduled by the board. Notice of the Executive Board meeting schedule shall be given to the membership at least 4 days in advance. All Executive Board meetings shall be open to any members of the Association.
Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called by the President of the Association, by a majority of the Officers elected to conduct the business of the Association, or by a petition containing signatures of at least seven (7) voting members of the Association.
Notice of Meetings: Notice for all meetings, identifying the time and place of the meeting as well as the intended purpose of the meeting, shall be provided to the members of the Association at least 4 days before meetings are to be held. Such notice of meetings may be hand carried, mailed, emailed, posted within the Association’s web site, or posted on the Association’s Facebook Page.
Membership Meeting Quorum: The members of the Association present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Executive Board Quorum: A majority of the Executive Board members must be present to constitute a quorum.
Open Meetings: All meetings are open to all members.
Absentee Voting: Any member who wishes to vote but is unable to attend the election may provide his or her choices to the Secretary in writing before the membership meeting. Absent members realize that all candidates and issues presented at the meeting may not be known in advance of the meeting.
Section 1: The elected Officers shall constitute the Executive Board of the Association.
Section 2: The Executive Board shall supervise the affairs of the Association in accordance with its stated purpose and policies; set the agendas for the regular meetings; transact any business between meetings of the Association and report thereon at the next meeting; and make recommendations to the general membership on matters before the Association.
Officers: The four Officers of Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association shall be the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Sergeant at Arms.
Term: Officers shall assume their duties in January and shall serve for two year(s) until their successors are duly elected.
Eligibility: Any member in good standing of Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association is eligible for election to office.
Elections: Officers shall be elected at the October meeting by a simple majority vote of members present.
Nominations: At the October meeting, the Executive Board may nominate members (including existing board members) for office. Nominations from the membership shall be heard at this time also.
In the event the President is unable to complete his/her term, the Vice-President shall become the President for the unexpired portion of the term.
For other vacancies in offices other than the President, the Executive Board shall appoint a member to fill the unexpired term with a simple majority vote or may allow the offices of Secretary and / or Sergeant at Arms to be vacant as long as the offices of President, Vice-President, and Treasurer are filled.
Unexcused absences as determined by the Executive Board from 3 consecutive meetings will constitute a vacancy of office.
Retirement: Upon retirement from office, each officer shall deliver to his/her successor, all records, papers, and other property belonging to the Association.
Removal From Office: At a Special Meeting of the Members, duly called in accordance with Article VII of these Bylaws, any Officer may be removed from his/her position with just cause by a majority vote of the Members. A successor may then and there be elected to fill the vacancy. Any Officer whose removal has been proposed by the Members shall be given an opportunity to be heard at the meeting prior to the vote for removal.
President: The President shall be the principal officer of the Association and shall:
Preside at all meetings of the Association.
Be the sole spokesperson for the Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association. The Executive Board may designate another member to serve in this capacity as necessary.
Sign with the Treasurer or any other officer authorized by the Executive Board, all checks, contracts, and other legal documents.
Appoint committee chairpersons with approval of the Executive Board.
Shall be empowered to vote in meetings of the general membership and the Executive Board only when necessary to break a tie vote.
Serve and assume all responsibilities in the absence of the President.
Act as special assistant to the President and represent the President whenever so designated.
Perform all such duties as requested by the President or Executive Board.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall:
Collect membership dues and keep records of paid members.
Maintain custody of all financial records of the Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association and deposit all such funds in a bank approved by the Executive Board.
Pay all bills and distribute funds by check only upon receipt of a bill. The Treasurer and the President with the approval of the Executive Board must sign all checks.
Submit a written financial report at each meeting and give a copy to the Secretary.
Secretary: The Secretary shall:
Keep minutes of the proceedings of all meetings of the Association.
Preserve in file all records of value to the Association.
Maintain a current roster of membership indicating the name, address, and telephone number of each member as well as his/her classification of membership.
Conduct the correspondence of the Association.
Perform such other duties as requested by the President or Executive Board.
The Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association shall be non-commercial, nonpartisan and nonsectarian.
The name of the Association or names of any members in their official capacities shall not be used in any connection with a commercial concern, or with any partisan interest or for any purpose not appropriately related to the promotion of the objectives of the association.
The Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association shall not directly or indirectly endorse any political candidate or party.
Procedures at all meetings shall be conducted with due regard to parliamentary practice with Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised serving as the authority on all points not covered specifically by these Bylaws.
Amendments to these Bylaws shall be made at any regular or special meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members who are present and in good standing, provided that notice of such meeting contains the proposed amendments(s). Such amendments shall be effective as of the date of enactment.
Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association may be dissolved with the majority vote of the Executive Board or 2/3 vote of the actual membership, provided that the disbursement of all monies and properties is acted upon prior to dissolution, and all liabilities and obligations of the corporation must be paid, satisfied, and discharged.
ADOPTED by a majority vote of the membership at the meeting held on the 5th day of June 2022.
Absentee Voting
Click here to contact Debbie.
Minutes of Meeting on Sun 10/7/2007
Michael Dallas brought the meeting to order and discussed the purpose of the association including the differences between a home owners and neighborhood association (NA), lake dredging, development and enhancement of the area, park improvements and drilling.
Shelly Harper, President of the East Unified neighborhood discussed how everyone in their area has gotten to know each other. Unification equals clout with council, zoning board. Their group monitors concerns in their area such as soil erosion. The Eastside NA has enhanced their neighborhood socially with progressive dinners. They hold four meetings a year and have a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer as well as two directors at large. They negotiated their oil and gas leases for the neighborhood and worked out a fantastic deal for the members.
Joe Waller, head of the Lake Worth Alliance spoke and urged the west side of the lake to form an active association encouraging citizen participation in the ongoing dredging project.
Christi Lemons with the City of Fort Worth spoke about the benefits of an organized group. The city communications with the associations sending advanced notifications regarding zoning and other pertinent city information. She encouraged the NA to hold elections and create bylaws.
In response to questions about dues, it was explained the website was being used versus mass mailing to avoid costs and the need for dues. The purpose of the website is to distribute information and post blogs. Participation is voluntary.
Concerns about self appointment of officers: Elections will be held and bylaws written to address length of terms and conditions of voting.
Sailboat Club did not want to be associated with the NA. Did not really want the NA and wants an election of officers. Interim officers were by volunteering as the form to become a NA required names of officers. Elections will be held as soon as possible. Sailboat Club representative was agreeable to that.
Toni Brown sent out a flyer to all neighbors cautioning about the NA becoming a watch dog and doesn’t want duplicate ordinances. Wants elections of officers and bylaws that protects everyone from "sleeping dragon". Intends to monitor website and wants to be informed.
Other discussions included:
Set a date for elections.
Decide how to handle absentee voting.
Bylaws needed to set boundaries of NA.
A neighbor new to the lake commended the formation of the NA and encouraged its formation and involvement based on previous positive experiences with other NAs.
Michael Dallas adjourned the meeting at 3:15.
Treasurer Duties & Candidates
Other neighborhood associations around Fort Worth have asked for special funds from drillers when negotiating contracts. Funding the neighborhood association with money from the drillers strengthens the association without charging the residents dues. For now, the treasurer's duties will simply be a board position (with no monetary responsibilities).
If you would like to run for treasurer of the Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association, please post your name below with any information you wish to share. At the October 21st election, you will have the opportunity to speak before the ballots are cast.
Duties of the treasurer will include:
1. Collect membership dues and keep records of paid members.
2. Maintain custody of all financial records of the association and deposit all such funds in a bank approved by the Executive Board.
3. Pay all bills and distribute funds by check only upon receipt of a bill.
4. Submit a written financial report at each meeting and give a copy to the Secretary.
5. Perform such other duties as requested by the President or Executive Board.
Secretary Duties & Candidates
Duties of the secretary will include:
1. Keep minutes of the proceedings of all meetings of the Association.
2. Preserve in file all records of value to the Association.
3. Maintain a current roster of membership indicating the name, address, and telephone number of each member as well as his/her classification of membership.
4. Conduct the correspondence of the Association.
5. Perform such other duties as requested by the President or Executive Board.
Vice-President Duties & Candidates
The duties and responsibilities of the vice-president will include:
1. Serve and assume all responsibilities in the absence of the President.
2. Act as special assistant to the President and represent the President whenever so designated.
3. Perform all such duties as requested by the President or Executive Board.
Presidential Duties & Candidates
The duties and responsibilities of the president will include:
1. Public speaking on behalf of the neighborhood association - when issues arise that involve the association, the president should be willing to speak before the city (e.g. council, committees, etc.) as well as the news media (e.g. newspapers, television, etc.) or any other organizations, groups, or people that affect the neighborhood.
2. Attending and participating in important meetings - There are numerous organizations for which the president must consistenly participate. They include: regular meetings of the Lake Worth Alliance (LWA), city council meetings of interest (when issues concerning the neighborhood are discussed), city committee meetings (e.g. Capital Improvement Implementation Plan (CIIP)), gas lease meetings, etc.
3. Assisting and acting on behalf of members - when neighborhood issues arise that need the association's influence, the president needs to be willing to compose letters and emails as well as initiate phone calls and meetings with authorities.
4. Presiding at all meetings of the Association - The president will oversee the meetings of the neighborhood association and shall vote when necessary to break a tie.
5. Signing with the Treasurer or any other officer authorized by the Executive Board, all checks, contracts, and other legal documents.
6. Appoint committee chairpersons with approval of the Executive Board - when committes are necessary, the President will need to find and appoint people for the committee.
Note: Those who have run neighborhood associations will tell you that it is helpful to have "thick skin" and a diplomatic manner.
Sun 10/21/07 2:00 PM - Adoption & Election
City of Fort Worth Sample Bylaws
The official name of this organization shall be the Neighborhood Association (NA).
The boundaries of the Association are:
North: South:
East: West:
The Association's principal office and address shall be:
The Executive Board may designate another location at its discretion.
The purpose of the Neighborhood Association is to provide an organized framework to promote, preserve, and enhance the quality of life and values in the neighborhood by: (examples)
Ø Encouraging a sense of community and pride among Association members.
Ø Establishing a communication link with the City Council, City Manager's offices, Code Enforcement, Neighborhood Police Officers and other city departments.
Ø Regular Membership: A member of NA shall be any person over the age of eighteen that resides within the Association boundaries. In order to vote, a member must be in good standing with the Association and be current on annual dues. Each household has one (1) vote.
Ø Business Membership: A business member of NA shall be any person, firm, or corporation operating a place of business within the Association's boundaries. Non-Residential property owners will be classified as a Business Member and shall have the privilege of the floor, but have no voting privileges and cannot hold office.
Ø Associate Membership: An associate member of NA shall be any person, firm, or corporation who neither resides, owns property, nor operates a place of business within the Association's boundaries, but nevertheless, maintains an interest in the Association and its purposes. Associate members shall have the privilege of the floor, but have no voting privileges and cannot hold office.
The annual dues for the Association memberships will be set as follows:
Ø Regular Membership - $ yearly per household
Ø Business Membership - $ yearly per household
Ø Associate Membership - $ yearly per household
Ø Regular Meetings: Membership meetings will be held on the (day of week – example: first Wednesday) of each (month, quarter, year, etc.). Meetings may be held more often as determined by the Executive Board.
Ø Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called by the President of the Association, by a majority of the Officers elected to conduct the business of the Association, or by a petition containing signatures of at least twenty-five (25) voting members of the Association.
Ø Notice of Meetings: Written notice, identifying the time and place of the meeting, shall be provided to each member of the Association at least 7 days before meetings are to be held. Such notice of meetings may be hand carried, mailed, or emailed.
Ø Quorum: The members present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Ø Open Meetings: All meetings are open to all members.
Ø Section 1: The elected officers shall constitute the Executive Board of the Association.
Ø Section 2: The Executive Board shall supervise the affairs of the Association in accordance with its stated purpose and policies; set the agendas for the regular meetings; transact any business between meetings of the Association and report thereon at the next meeting; and make recommendations to the general membership on matters before the Association.
Ø Section 3: The Executive Board shall meet as required, usually on a monthly basis. These meetings shall be open to any members of the Association.
Ø Officers: The officers of NA shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Ø Term: Officers shall assume their duties in (month) and shall serve for year(s) until their successors are duly elected. Officers shall not serve in the same office for more than consecutive terms.
Ø Eligibility: Any member in good standing of NA is eligible for election to office.
Ø Elections: Officers shall be elected at the (month) meeting by a simple majority vote of members present.
Ø Nominations: At the (month) meeting, the Executive Board shall appoint a nominating committee of at least three (3) members. The nominating committee shall present a slate of one or more nominations for each office at the (month) meeting. Nominations from the floor shall be heard at this time also.
Ø Vacancies:
A. In the event the President is unable to complete his/her term, the Vice-President shall become the President for the unexpired portion of the term.
B. For other vacancies in offices other than the President, the Executive Board shall appoint a member to fill the unexpired term with a simple majority vote.
C. Unexcused absences as determined by the Executive Board from consecutive meetings shall constitute a vacancy of office.
Ø Retirement: Upon retirement from office, each officer shall deliver to his/her successor, all records, papers, and other property belonging to the Association.
Ø Removal From Office: At a special meeting of the Members, duly called in accordance with Article VII of these Bylaws, any Officer may be removed from his/her position with just cause by a majority vote of the Members. A successor may then and there be elected to fill the vacancy. Any Officer whose removal has been proposed by the Members shall be given an opportunity to be heard at the meeting prior to the vote for removal.
Ø President: The President shall be the principal officer of the Association and shall:
A. Preside at all meetings of the Association.
B. Be the sole spokesperson for the NA. The Executive Board may designate another member to serve in this capacity as necessary.
C. Sign with the Treasurer or any other officer authorized by the Executive Board, all checks, contracts, and other legal documents.
D. Appoint committee chairpersons with approval of the Executive Board.
E. Shall be empowered to vote in meetings of the general membership and the Executive Board only when necessary to break a tie vote.
Ø Vice-President: The Vice President shall:
A. Serve and assume all responsibilities in the absence of the President.
B. Act as special assistant to the President and represent the President whenever so designated.
C. Perform all such duties as requested by the President or Executive Board.
Ø Secretary: The Secretary shall:
A. Keep minutes of the proceedings of all meetings of the Association.
B. Preserve in file all records of value to the Association.
C. Maintain a current roster of membership indicating the name, address, and telephone number of each member as well as his/her classification of membership.
D. Conduct the correspondence of the Association.
E. Perform such other duties as requested by the President or Executive Board.
Ø Treasurer: The Treasurer shall:
A. Collect membership dues and keep records of paid members.
B. Maintain custody of all financial records of the NA and deposit all such funds in a bank approved by the Executive Board.
C. Pay all bills and distribute funds by check only upon receipt of a bill. The Treasurer and the President with the approval of the Executive Board must sign all checks.
D. Submit a written financial report at each meeting and give a copy to the Secretary.
E. Perform such other duties as requested by the President or Executive Board..
The ___________________________NA shall be non-commercial, nonpartisan and nonsectarian.
2. The name of the Association or names of any members in their official capacities shall not be used in any connection with a commercial concern, or with any partisan interest or for any purpose not appropriately related to the promotion of the objectives of the association.
3. The ___________________________NA shall not directly or indirectly endorse any political candidate or party.
Procedures at all meetings shall be conducted with due regard to parliamentary practice with Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised serving as the authority on all points not covered specifically by these Bylaws.
Amendments to these Bylaws shall be made at any regular or special meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members who are present and in good standing, provided that notice of such meeting contains the proposed amendments(s). Such amendments shall be effective as of the date of enactment.
NA may be dissolved with the majority vote of the Executive Board, provided that the disbursement of all monies and properties is acted upon prior to dissolution, and all liabilities and obligations of the corporation must be paid, satisfied, and discharged.
ADOPTED by a majority vote of the membership at the meeting held on the day of , 20 .
Bylaws Discussion & Creation
We want everyone in the neighborhood to present their concerns and suggestions about the bylaws. To help establish neighborhood associations, the City of Fort Worth provides a sample set of bylaws. Please view the sample bylaws and post your comments below (or on the sample bylaws page). As suggestions roll in, we will form an edited version of the bylaws and post them here as well. At the October 21st election, we will vote to adopt the edited set of bylaws. We will make every effort to integrate all good ideas into the document. If contentious issues arise, we will vote to either adopt or reject those issues individually.
I encourage everyone who has an interest in the association to participate.
Click here to view the City of Fort Worth's sample bylaws.
Click here to view the current proposed bylaws.
The Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association will provide the support and structure for members (and non-members) who own mineral rights to use in the negotiation of mineral leases. We are fortunate that other neighborhood associations around Lake Worth have already had the experience of negotiating agreements. The Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association intends on drawing from the experience of the other associations as well as seeking the help of the Lake Worth Alliance.
Even if you don't have mineral rights, the location and quality of drill sites will affect YOU. We are all in this together. Together, we can make sure that the drilling remains a benefit to Fort Worth.
Michael Dallas
SSNA President
Please post your comments and conerns below.
Boundaries / Map
Properties along the shoreline of Lake Worth (lake) starting at the eastern boundary of the Fort Worth Nature Center (currently the first inhabited address is 7568 Love Circle, Fort Worth TX 76135) and continuing along the western shoreline to the address just west of Peninsula Club Road known as 9105 Watercress, Fort Worth TX 76135. The Lake Worth Sailing club representatives have asked to be excluded from the association, therefore 4064 Peninsula Club Cir is not included in the boundaries.
Sewers - Long Overdue
The way Paul Bounds (Regulatory/Environmental Coordinator of the Fort Worth Water Department) describes the water department's project management is this. A "list" of projects is created and prioritized. The department then starts at the top of the list and works down. Once the department's budget runs out, nothing lower on the list gets done. Guess what. Our sewers have never been high enough on the "list" to get done.
The newest development in the sewer saga is the creation of a new "list" - The Lake Worth Capital Improvement Implementation Plan (CIIP). This ambitious list should begin a transformation of the lake area into a world-class recreational complex. The current list primarily consists of dredging Lake Worth, improving parks, and a handful of miscellaneous capital projects. One of the projects on the list is our sewers.
Right now it is unclear whether being moved from one list to the other is good or bad. As you might guess, many residents are cynical. They feel that putting our sewers on the same list as a long-promised dredging of the lake will delay the installation indefinitely.
If you would like to speak with Paul Bounds and other city leaders about the sewers or other projects on the CIIP, click here for the next public meeting time.
If you have any thoughts, insights or clarifications, just post them below.
Fort Worth City Contacts
Brush & Bulky Waste Collection (817) 392-3279
Code Compliance (817) 392-1234
Curbside Recycling (817) 392-3279
Dead Animal Pickup (817) 392-3737
Illegal Dumping Fort Worth (817) 392-3279
Permits (Garage Sales) (817) 392-2222
Traffic Lights Not Working/Timing/Street Lights Out (817) 392-8100
Street Repairs:
Potholes/Minor Repairs/Emergencies: 817-392-8100 (TPW Customer Service Center)
Requests for Major Repairs: 817-392-6311 (TPW Infrastructure)
CIP Streets (under construction): 817-392-7813 (Engineering Department)
Water Leak Damage/Repairs: 817-392-8275 (Water Department)
Click here for more info.
Tree Removal From Parks and Roadside Brush Trimming:
The forestry division of the Parks Department is responsible for tree removal from city owned property and trimming the brush back along the roadsides. You can contact them at 817-871-5738. Click here for more info.
Illegal Dumping:
Illegal dumping is investigated by the Environmental Investigations Unit of the Code Compliance Dept. Click here to report illegal dumping
10/18/2007 - Lake Worth Dredging Meeting
Stay Informed / Contact Us
IMPORTANT: If you are a shoreline resident, please include your address so that we can invite you to special lake events.
Law Enforcement and Security
Residents who live on Lake Worth (but in the City of Fort Worth) frequently have their 911 calls rerouted to the City of Lake Worth. The City of Lake Worth WILL NOT RESPOND to 911 calls in the City of Fort Worth. IF YOU LIVE IN FORT WORTH, BE SURE TO INSIST THAT THE 911 OPERATOR NOT TRANSFER YOUR EMERGENCY CALL TO THE CITY OF LAKE WORTH.
Calling this number gives neighbors access to a network of nurses, pharmacists, paramedics, and physicians who have extensive education, training, and expertise in the field of toxicology. If necessary, the staff may refer callers to the nearest hospital and assist in the person’s initial treatment and follow-up care. Their website has extensive information that neighbors will find useful.
This is a non-emergency number for assistance on issues that occur on Lake Worth itself. The Marshall's office prefers that residents not call their office directly but instead call the Fort Worth Police number.
This is the non-emergency number for issues that occur around the lake (in Fort Worth). The police beat for the association area is C11.
The fire station for the association area is Station 13 located at 5333 Lea Crest Lane.
The Texas Parks and Wildlife office is located at 5400 Airport Freeway, Fort Worth, Tx 76117. They handle boat title registries as well as fishing and game issues.
Click here to learn about sex offenders near the neighborhood. You can see their names, maps of where they live, their pictures, and their risk level.
Below, you can post any security issues here. If you see crime or suspicious characters in the neighborhood, you can alert the neighbors by posting your comments here. If you have any stories to share about your experiences with the service you are getting from the Fort Worth Police or Lake Patrol, you can list that here as well.
10/7/2007 - Neighborhood Meeting
Condemned Home at 8405 Island View Drive
RESOLUTION: The issue was resolved in January 2008. The bank abandoned the home to the city. The city then removed the dangerous structure.
A city crew removing the dangerous structure.
Neighbors Not Amused by "Laughing Gas"
A neighborhood mother became alarmed when she found dozens of small metal gas cartridges along the shoreline roads of Lake Worth. Further investigation by this concerned mother found that the nitrous oxide gas (i.e. "laughing gas," N2O) from these cartridges have a variety of legitimate uses such as a welding gas and as a whipped cream propellant. However, she also learned that these canisters of gas have become a very popular way for people to get a cheap high. "I find it difficult to believe that the dozens of canisters strewn along Watercress are from people welding or whipping cream."
When she began wondering why these canisters were so numerous along Watercress, she started looking for a local source. She soon found that one vendor of the gas cartridges was Easy's Smoke Shop at the corner of Surfside and Jacksboro Highway. The smoke shop sells the cartridges from behind the counter as well as (coincidentally) the peripheral items used by people who inhale the gas. (All of the items have legitimate uses and can be purchased legally.)
"I am not saying that the dozens of spent cartridges along Watercress come from Easy's. Nor am I implying that Easy's Smoke Shop is breaking the law. However, the large number of spent cartridges along the road makes me very concerned. I am worried about the undisputable fact that nitrous oxide cartridges and the items necessary for using them as an inhalant are being sold at the same place within the neighborhood." The concerned mother went on to say that when she asked an Easy's Smoke Shop employee as to why nitrous oxide was being sold there, a whipped cream dispenser (which uses the cartridges in question) was produced from behind the counter.
The neighborhood association is not accusing Easy's Smoke Shop of breaking the law or even disputing the fact that many people in the area may go to the smoke shop for their whipping cream and welding gas needs. However, the association does ask one question of nitrous oxide vendors in the area: Considering the intractable problem we already have with intoxicated drivers on Lake Worth's winding roads, does it make sense to continue to offer a potentially abused product (i.e. nitrous oxide cartridges and the items used for its inhalation) in our neighborhood?
Waverly Park Elem School
Principal: Mrs Mary Marshall
3604 Cimmaron Trl
Fort Worth, TX 76116-6851
Middle School
Leonard Middle School
Principal: Ms Cynthia Walker
8900 Chapin Rd
Fort Worth, TX 76116-6699
High School
Western Hills High School
Principal: Mr Dean Stacy
3600 Boston Ave
Fort Worth, TX 76116-6999
Private School
All Saints' Episcopal School
Principal: Thaddeus B. Bird
9700 Saints Cir
Ft Worth, TX 76108
Utility Contacts
Water - Lakeside
You must go to the Lakeside Water Department to get your water turned on. Many residents believe the Lakeside water to be of questionable quality. The hardness of the water is widely reported to ruin fixtures (e.g. toilets, faucets) as well as water heaters, and coffee pots. It also seems to leave a hard to remove residue on baths, showers, and driveway washed cars. Be warned. 817-237-1234
Trash - Fort Worth
Trash and recycle pickup day for the association area is Tuesday.
Bulk trash pickup is the week of the 4th Monday of each month.
To report any problems with the system, please call 817-392-EASY (3279) for assistance.
Natural Gas - Atmos
Service 888-286-6700
Emergency Number 866-322-8667
Electricity Providers
Click Here to Compare Rates and Contracts
Cable TV
Charter Communications
Satellite TV Providers
Current Customers 888-284-7116
New Customers 888-825-2557
Broadband Internet Providers
Charter Communications
Purpose / Membership / No Dues
The philosophy of the association is simple. The association is designed to create an environment where neighbor can help neighbor. It is open, free, and places absolutely no requirements on anyone - financial or otherwise.
Our Purpose - Community and Empowerment
The purpose of the Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association is two-fold. First, the association is designed to foster a sense of community and pride in the neighborhood. Second, the assocation seeks to empower its members to address issues they may have with municipalities, entities, and non-member individuals that affect the quiet enjoyment of their homes.
The Association provides members with "how to" information to resolve common issues. We let members know who to call, what to say, and what to do when they have an issue that needs to be addressed. We also provide a network between residents so that they can share ideas and tips.
If a member is not able to resolve an issue with a municipality, corporate entity, or an individual, the Association leadership will become involved. Very often, people respond more efficiently to a neighborhood association's concerns than to an individual's complaints.
How To Join
If you reside within the neighborhood association's boundaries, you automatically qualify to participate (you may be a renter or a homeowner). If you live outside the boundaries or if you are a business or organization, you can become a non-voting member through a vote of the board. The philosophy of the Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association is to be open and available to all residents.
No Dues
While similar neighborhood associations in Fort Worth charge nominal dues (e.g. $20 per year), the Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association has no dues. By utilizing an electronic format (i.e. we use email and this web site to avoid printing and mailing costs), the association can remain free and open to all residents.
We Are NOT A Homeowners' Association (HOA)
The Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association is NOT a homeowners' association. A homeowners' association (HOA) (also known as a "mandatory neighborhood association") is generally formed when a neighborhood is first built. It is a legal entity that is chartered in the first homeowners' deeds issued on the properties. An HOA is chartered with the legal power to proscribe the behavior of the residents within its boundaries. In essence, an HOA can legally force its homeowners to maintain their properties in ways that are beyond the requirements of the city's codes. Many restrictive HOA's regulate everything from paint color to the appropriate times to fly an American flag. Moreover, HOA's can force the residents to pay HOA fees. The Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association is NOT an HOA.
We Are A "Voluntary Neighborhood Association"
The Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association is an organization known as a "voluntary neighborhood association." The City of Fort Worth's web site states that, "A voluntary neighborhood association is an organization that represents all residents in the neighborhood and operates through an open, democratic process to improve or maintain the overall quality of life for all individuals within those boundaries. Membership in a voluntary neighborhood association is open to all the residents in the neighborhood but participation is optional. It has no legal power to require anything from residents."
Purpose of This Web Site
This web site forms the core of the communication in the Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association. It provides important contact information as well as allowing an open and free area for members to communicate within the neighborhood.
The first purpose of the site is to be the "user's manual" of the neighborhood. Within these pages, you will find important phone numbers such as the utilities and law enforcement agencies that serve the neighborhood. This information creates a convenient way for neighbors to find the services they need.
You also will find articles about various issues that affect some or all of the neighborhood. These articles are designed to keep everyone in the neighborhood "in the loop." It's very important to note that the articles on the site allow anyone to post comments below the article itself. Simply click the "post comment" button to type in your follow up, comment, or additional information about the topic. Your information will then immediately appear below the article for the neighbors to view. This type of "blog style" web page allows everyone in the neighborhood to have an open conversation about anything that affects our area.
If you would like to receive periodic reminders and notices from the association, I encourage you to provide your email address. You will be contacted about important events and issues that affect us all. Providing your email address in no way obligates you to anything. Since we only email to residents or non-resident members, please identify yourself when you register. Click here to contact the association.
Important Note: The web site is monitored by the leaders of the Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association. Any comments deemed inappropriate or not in the spirit of cooperation may be removed. We ask everyone to be courteous when posting to the site.
Neighborhood Contacts
Phone: (817) 733-9056
Deanne Kearney
Brian Keller
Debbie Ballard
Click Here to Contact Us